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作者: 发布时间:2021-12-07 来源 :


序号 论文题目 责任作者 作者排名 期刊名称 期刊ISSN 卷期号
1 MBR工艺在农村生活污水处理中的应用 施国中 通讯 中国沼气 1000-1166 2020,38(03)42
2 无机碳源对零价铁介导的自养脱氮序批式反应器处理高氨氮废水的影响. 郑丹、邓良伟 第一 中国沼气 1000-1166 38(2)
3 老挝发展农村户用沼气政策与产能潜力分析 吴进 通讯 中国沼气 1000-1166 2020(03)
4 新冠肺炎疫情冲击下农民工就业面临的主要问题及应对策略研究 张鸣鸣、王登山 第一 中国西部 1008-0694 2020(01)
5 互营烃降解菌系的短链脂肪酸降解特性 张雪,承磊, 通讯 应用与环境生物学报 1006-687X 2020, 26(3)
6 多年生禾草皇竹草的综合利用研究进展 谭芙蓉 通讯 应用与环境生物学报 1006-687X 10.19675/j.cnki.1006-687x.2019.06004
7 典型煤层水微生物产甲烷潜力及其群落结构研究. 微生物学报 2020, 60(4): 727–738. 来守超,承磊, 通讯 微生物学报 0001-6209 2020, 60(4)
8 氢营养型产甲烷代谢途径研究进展 冷欢,白丽萍 通讯 微生物学报 0001-6209 2020.1
9 水稻秸秆渗滤床半固态厌氧发酵性能研究 贺静 通讯 生物质化学工程 1673-5854  2020, 54( 1)
10 厌氧消化技术在农村生活污水处理中的应用 陈子爱 第一 农业资源与环境学报 1005-4944 3
11 富碳沼液施用对水稻分蘖生长的影响 冉毅 第一 农业资源与环境学报 1005-4944 2020 Vol.37(2):202-208
12 厌氧消化处理玉米秸秆酶解残渣对木质素的影响研究 赵昆炀,汤晓玉 通讯 农业环境科学学报 1672-2043 39(11)
13 科技创新培育乡村振兴产业新动能——基于四川沼气工程的实践 吴进 共同通讯 科技促进发展 1672-996X 2019,15(12)
14 政府规制视角下畜禽养殖废弃物能源化利用模式选择与优化策略——以四川省沼气工程为例 吴进 通讯 黑龙江畜牧兽医 1004-7034 2020(08)
15 运动发酵单胞菌底盘细胞研究现状及展望 何明雄 第五 合成生物学 2096-8280 2096-8280 (XXXX) XX-0001-33
16 佛斯特拉古菌门(Verstraetearchaeota)研究进展. 周雷,承磊 通讯  生物资源 2096-3491 2020, 42(05)
17 Perspectives and new directions for bioprocess optimization using Zymomonas mobilis in the ethanol production 吴波 第二 World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 0959-3993 36
18 Application of activated carbon to enhance biogas production rate of Flammulina velutipes residues with composting pretreatment 黎霞,朱能敏 第一 Waste and Biomass Valorization  1877-2641 2020
19 Mutation of the chloroplast-localized phosphate transporter OsPHT2;1 reduces flavonoid accumulation and UV tolerance in rice 王兰 共同第一 The Plant Journal 0960-7412 102
20 Quantum dots are conventionally applicable for wide-profiling of wall polymer distribution and destruction in diverse cells of rice 何明雄 第八 Talanta 0039-9140 208
21 Influence of planting distance and density on the yield and photosynthetic traits of sweet potato (Ipomoea balatas L.) under an intercropping system with walnut (Juglans regia) saplings 宋大刚 第一 Soil & Tillage Research 0167-1987 196
22 Effects of straw mulching practices on soil nematode communities under walnut plantation 宋大刚 第一 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10
23 Analysis of revolution in decentralized biogas facilities caused by transition in Chinese rural areas 罗涛 第一 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 1364-0321 133
24 Effect of nicotine inhibition on anaerobic digestion and the co-digestion performance of tobacco stalks with different animal manures. 刘刈 共同通讯 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 0957-5820 146
25 Effects of digestate on biomass of a selected energy crop and soil properties 谭芙蓉 第一 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 0022-5142 10.1002/jsfa.10700
26 Activation or sequestration of heavy metals during hydrothermal process of swine manure: Interactions among metal species and particulates 朱能敏 第一 Journal of hazardous materials 0304-3894 2020,385:121549
27 Closing extra CO2 into plants for simultaneous CO2 fixation, drought stress alleviation and nutrient absorption enhancement 冉毅 共同通讯 Journal of CO2 Utilization 2212-9820 Volume 42, 2020, 101319
28 A method for concentration of monosaccharide and removal of inhibitors during hydrolysate pretreatment for improved bioethanol production 陈城汉 第一 Journal of Cleaner Production 0959-6526 260
29 Digestate recirculation through co-digestion with rice straw: Towards high biogas production and efficient waste recycling. 冉毅 共同通讯 Journal of Cleaner Production 0959-6526 Volume 263, 2020, 121441
30 Innovative integrated approach of biofuel production from agricultural wastes by anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae 冉毅 共同第一 Journal of Cleaner Production 0959-6526 Volume 263, 1 August 2020, 121495
31 Composition of cooling load formed by non-transparent envelopes of a common office building under air-conditioning 罗涛 第四 Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 43(6)
32 Clostridium prolinivorans sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from an anaerobic reactor degrading propionate 黄艳、马诗淳 第一 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026 2020,70(10)
33 Distinct mechanisms of enzymatic saccharification and bioethanol conversion enhancement by three surfactants under steam explosion and mild chemical pretreatments in bioenergy Miscanthus 何明雄 第五 Industrial Crops and Products 0926-6690 153
34 Effect of application of different biogas fertilizer on eggplant production: Analysis of fertilizer value and risk assessment. 冉毅 通讯 Environmental Technology & Innovation 2352-1864 Volume 19, 2020, 101019
35 The removal of moisture and antibiotic resistance genes in dairy manure by microwave treatment 罗涛 第一 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 0944-1344 73
36 How exothermic characteristics of rice straw during anaerobic digestion affects net energy production 罗涛 第一 Energy 0360-5442 212
37 Simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and nitrogen from liquid digestate by vacuum membrane distillation with permeate fractional condensation 王文国 共同通讯 Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 1004-9541 28
38 An integrated approach combines hydrothermal chemical and biological treatment to enhance recycle of rare metals from coal fly ash 谭芙蓉 第四 Chemical Engineering Journal 1385-8947 395
39 Removal of antibiotic resistance genes from post-treated swine wastewater by mFe/nCu system 张云红 第一 Chemical Engineering Journal 1385-8947 400
40 Genome shuffling enhances stress tolerance of Zymomonas mobilis to two inhibitors 何明雄 通讯 Biotechnol Biofuels 1754-6834 12
41 Biochar-mediated Enhanced Ethanol Fermentation (BMEEF) in Zymomonas mobilis Under Furfural and Acetic Acid Stress 何明雄 通讯 Biotechnol Biofuels 1754-6834 13
42 Development and characterization of acidic‑pH‑tolerant mutants of Zymomonas mobilis through adaptation and next‑generation sequencing‑based genome resequencing and RNA‑Seq 吴波 第九 Biotechnol Biofuels 1754-6834 13
43 Post-engineering of biochar via thermal air treatment for highly efficient promotion of uranium(VI) adsorption 代立春 第一 Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 298
44 Using air instead of biogas for mixing and its effect on anaerobic digestion of animal wastewater with high suspended solids. 杨红男 第一 Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 318
45 Effect of viscosity on process stability and microbial community composition during anaerobic mesophilic digestion of Maotai-flavored distiller’s grains 冉毅 共同第一 Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 Volume 297, February 2020, 122460
46 Enhanced lactic acid production by Bacillus coagulans through simultaneous saccharification, biodetoxification, and fermentation 何明雄 第九 Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr  1932-104X 14(3)
47 Novel mutagenesis and screening technologies for food microorganisms: advances and prospects 吴波 共同通讯 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 0175-7598 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-019-10341-z
48 Improvement of ferrous ion-dependent nitrate removal (FeNiR) process with chelating ferrous ion as substrate 王兰 共同通讯  Journal of Environmental Management 0301-4797 271
49 Zhaonella formicivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic formate-utilizing bacterium isolated from Shengli oilfield, and proposal of four novel families and Moorellales ord. nov. in the phylum Firmicutes. 承磊 共同通讯 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026 2020, 70
50 Gudongella oleilytica gen. nov., sp. nov., an aerotorelant bacterium isolated from Shengli oilfield and validation of family Tissierellaceae. 巫可佳、承磊 第一 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026  2020, 70: 951-957
51 Developing a vacuum-assisted gas-permable membrance process for rapid ammonia recovery and CO2 capure from biogas slurry. 席江 第二 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2168-0485 8
52 Construction of autotrophic nitrogen removal system based on zero-valent iron (ZVI): performance and mechanism 郑丹 通讯 Water Science and Technology 0273-1223 wst2020544
53 Identification and application of Streptomyces microflavus G33 in compost to suppress tomato bacterial wilt disease 沈婷 第一 Applied Soil Ecology 0929-1393 157 (2021) 103724
54 Regulation of nitrogen dynamics at the sediment–water interface during HAB degradation and subsequent reoccurrence 代立春 第六 RSC Advances 2046-2069 23
55 Interaction between chlortetracycline and calcium-rich biochar: Enhanced removal by adsorption coupled with flocculation 代立春 第四 Chemical Engineering Journal 1385-8947 382
56 Enrichment of waste sewage sludge for enhancing methane production from cellulose 祝其丽(2021年)   Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 298
57 四川省食用菌渣循环利用情况调研与分析_以什邡市黄背木耳产区为例 张云飞 第一 中国沼气 1000-1166 2019,37(6)
