APEC Training Course on Biogas Technology
The training course on biogas technology falls under Rank 2 of the APEC 2012 funding criteria as it directly supports the Leaders' Growth Strategy by advancing the implementation of the Niigata APEC Action Plan on Food Security. It addresses the capacity-building needs of APEC developing economies in the area of biogas technology, a potential developing tendency to cope with the environmental pollution and energy shortage which directly impact secure food production, a key priority for APEC.
This project intended to initiate and sustain information exchange among resource speakers and participating APEC economies. It identified adaptation strategies in energy recovery from agricultural waste treatment. Participants discussed and elicited recommendations on effective governance strategies towards the widespread adoption in APEC economies. Policy makers and implementers, academics and practitioners from APEC economies have been invited to participate in the training course.
By means of lectures, on-site practice and study tours, the training was held from Oct. 16 to 22, 2012 (7 days) in Chengdu, China. The number of participants is 13 from 7 economies. With joint effort from project organizer, speakers, APEC secretary and participants, the project was completed with every success.